I think I just woke up

At least it feels a bit like I just woke up. Things have been busy, busy, busy around here. Most of what I’ve been working on lately has been for my current employer so not a whole lot to talk about on that front. As for MODx, I actually released FAQ Manager, and that is working fairly well. There are still several things for that I’d like to fix up and improve upon, but at this point it does exactly what I wanted, just allowing you to add/edit FAQ’s from inside the manager and not let those silly content editors touch the HTML too much. =)

RSVPMe is still up in GitHub… it actually works fairly well. It lets you set a page for people to RSVP for events. It maintains it’s own tables through MODx to hold events and people that have registered. It also lets you set private events that require a code, and even lets you set a price to be paid when registering. The only payment option right now is through PayPal. The main reason it hasn’t been released to the MODx Extras section is the lack of payment options and a bit of polish. But do feel free to give it a whirl if you need to handle RSVP’s. If/when I get back to working on it, I’d really like to let it integrate with and event handling service (I’m liking EventBrite right now.)

Outside of the MODx world I’ve been working on my OS X programming. Objective-C and Cocoa are actually pretty cool, I find myself spending more and more time playing with it. I have a couple fun projects brewing for this, although it probably won’t interest anyone that doesn’t find themselves doing Takeoff/Estimating work in a construction industry. (Although, if that is your field of work, and you like to work on a Mac, send me and email as I’d like to talk to you.)

So, that about sums up those lost months on this site. Hopefully I’ll get around to getting all the half-written content finished posted on here some day. =)